Free-flow parking with ANPR

For contract- and visitor parking

Automate billing and simplify the parking experience.

Our system ANPR46 automates the billing of your visitor parking and simplifies the parking experience for all your customers - regardless of whether they are guests or have a parking permit. With ANPR cameras that register entering and exiting vehicles, you get complete control of how and when your facilities are used, which gives you valuable data and reduces the need for surveillance.

Provide a smooth and automated parking experience that benefits both parkers and administrators.


Automate visitor parking

Avoid hassles with barriers and unclear payment options. All your visitors have to do is park and pay. The system automatically manages the length of the parking session and ensures that visitors only pay for the time they are parked.


Simplify contract parking

Customers with parking permits are automatically whitelisted. If they stay longer, the system automatically tops up their monthly invoice with a visitor's fee for the extra time. No need for parking fines.


Increase your net operating income

With ANPR cameras registering all vehicles, you reduce the need for parking attendants. In addition, you get detailed data on how your facilities are used, which you can use to increase your occupancy rate.

Are you ready to take your parking business to the next level?

Some of the features in ANPR46

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